Aminet 16
Aminet 16 (1996)(GTI - Schatztruhe)[!][Dec 1996].iso
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"Noone knows what is written in the stream until the water surrounds him."
-- M'ola, "Believers"
"Is Garibaldi available?"
'I suppose...'
'Nothing. I certainly have plenty of things to occupy myself here. Yes,
sir. I think I'll just walk to and fro for awhile. Maybe over to my
console. After that, maybe I'll try pacing fro and to, just for the
kick of it. Oh, then there's the view, of course. Granted, it's not
quite the same as if you're outside...for someone that's got over a
hundred hours of combat flying experience."
"If you'd rather..."
'No no no, that's okay. That's fine. Don't worry about me. I'm just going
to sit here and knit something. Maybe a nice sweater...some socks...
Does the term "stir crazy" ring a bell, Commander?'
"I have an idea, Lieutenant Commander. Why don't *you* take out the
fighter wing and escort the ASIMOV back to base?"
'Well, if you insist, sir.'
-- Sinclair and Ivanova, "Believers"
"What kind of a God do you worship?"
-- Dr. Hernandez, "Believers"
"We are the Children of Time. We can not break our covenant any more
than you could cease to be the descendant of egg-sucking mammaloids."
-- Tharg (to Dr. Franklin), "Believers"
"Sometimes you have to heal the family before you can heal the patient."
-- Dr. Franklin, "Believers"
"In my opinion, the presence of pfingle eggs aboard this installation might
present a serious hazard."
'Thanks, I owe you.'
"Import another steak."
'I don't owe you *that* much.'
-- Garibaldi and Sinclair, "Believers"
"There are more important things in life than the next breath."
-- Tharg, "Believers"
"What were you thinking when you petitioned us?"
'We thought your dislike of the Earthers would be enough.'
"Enough for us. Not for you. We do not casually entangle ourselves in
the affairs of other species."
-- G'Kar and Tharg, "Believers"
"Unfortunately, we *are* on a budget here."
-- Londo, "Believers"
"Just how much justice can you afford?"
-- Londo, "Believers"
"First we do a little of this, and we do a little of that..."
"Torturing the patient with treatments that don't work."
"Until they're desperate enough to bite the damn bullet and let us do what
we should have done in the first place."
-- Dr. Franklin and Dr. Hernandez, "Believers"
"Gloppet eggs?"
"The boy's terrified, he needs a friend."
"So you gave him a piece of industrial goo?"
-- Dr. Hernandez and Dr. Franklin, "Believers"
"They worship the Great Egg, your God is Medicine, and you can do no wrong
in His service. What's the difference?"
"I produce measurable results."
-- Dr. Hernandez and Dr. Franklin, "Believers"
"The avalanche has already started. It is too late for the pebbles to vote."
-- Kosh, "Believers"
"We Minbari have our own relationship with the larger domains of the
Universe. Matters of the soul are very private, very personal to us.
We have suffered the interference of others in this area and are thus
ourselves forbidden to intervene in matters such as this."
-- Delenn, "Believers"
"Operating on Kosh was the camel's nose in the tent. Operating on Shon
will be the rest of the camel."
-- Sinclair, "Believers"
"I just wish I could be more sure."
"Sure is for people with nothing on the line. You and me, we just get on
with it."
"Now I know how Pontius Pilate must have felt."
-- Sinclair and Garibaldi, "Believers"
"What makes a religion false? If any religion is right, then maybe they
all have to be right. Maybe God doesn't care how you say your prayers, just
as long as you say them."
-- Sinclair, "Believers"
"Life has to be more than just a pulsebeat. What we hold sacred gives our
lives meaning."
-- Sinclair, "Believers"
"To Hell with orders. If that ship brings back a dozen raiders we'll all
be dead. Get going, I'll catch up."
-- Ivanova, "Believers"
"Who asked you to play God?"
'Every damn patient who comes through that door, that's who! People come to
doctors because they want us to be gods. They want us to make it better
or make it not so. They want to be healed and they come to me when
their prayers aren't enough. Well, if I have to take the responsibility,
then I claim the authority too.'
-- Sinclair and Dr. Franklin, "Believers"
"I'm waiting...for an apology."
'You'd better check the temperature in Hell first.'
-- Dr. Franklin and Sinclair, "Believers"
"Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't change anything."
-- Sinclair, "Believers"
"I'm trying to tell you that what makes us human is that we care and
because we care, we never stop trying."
'No, what makes us human is that we have so many different ways to hurt.'
-- Sinclair and Franklin, "Believers"